Friday, September 22, 2006

Day 1: Coquelles to Sarnen

We woke promptly at 7am, due to not having got too pissed the night before, and after a quick breakfast of mainly plastic-type food set off for Citi Europe shopping centre, the start of the rally.

We were given free choice of which route to take, the only proviso being that we had to fetch up in Sarnen, Switzerland, by the end of the day. Naturally, not being shy to wrestle adversity by the horns, we chose take the '5-country' option: France, Belguim, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland.

Today's challenge was 'Staples2Naples I Spy' - take a digital camera, choose a starting letter and photograph as many objects on the way that start with that letter as possible. We chose C, which proved a very fruitful letter indeed. Our eventual score was 90 objects, after we were disallowed Chav, Chinese and City. We DID manage to sneak Cripple with Carer, Codger in a Coat wearing a Cap and Cheese Shop through though. Woo.

The Duchess is averaging 25.7 MPG and we purposely chose a stint on the German Autobahns (yes, like we had a choice -I.) and she galloped up to 120mph before a strance smell of steam trains purvaded the cabin so we slowed down. There is still a slight coolant leak and an increasingly-noisy NSR wheel bearing but we're not worried, she's purring along nicely.

Apparently we're currently in the lead, points wise, despite being almost the last to arrive in Sarnen, due to the '5-Country' approach...

We have also bought the most expensive bottle of wine in Switzerland, despite asking for House Red. It appears House Red in Switzerland is Red wine that cost about as much as a house.... Gosh. Still it tasted nice and we're currently on cheap lager instead.

Please excuse the uninventiveness of today's photos. We were concentrating on photographing as many C things as possible and you wouldn't want us to lose on your account, would you?!


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